The Start Of Blogs!

Posted by being.jenks On 17:04
Hello! I’m jenks and welcome to my blog “being.jenks”
I am new to blogging! I’ve been meaning to start for over a year now!

As a start to the blog and a slight introduction I will post about me!
Just a brief who am I……….

My name is George Jenkins, but call me jenks.

I hate writing about myself. Not because I have nothing to talk about, more for the simple reason that when you’re writing about yourself you can come across one of two ways:

  • One: you can write so much whilst typing the reader presumes you  have your legs behind your head,  as a cat would, rimming yourself
  • Two: if you don’t write enough, you appear lazy or boring and in that case, why have a blog?

So I will write a brief who I am (which is what I’m doing) however my friend Murra when explaining “I hate writing about myself” decided to give his opinion on me, which I will post, because to be quite frank, it’s the nicest thing anyone has said about me!

I’m an F.D.S.P student. For those not in the know it stands for fashion design, styling and promotion.
But as a designer I feel (without my head expanding) that I’m so much more then fashion.

I’m what I like to call a designers designer. I live and breath all forms of art and design!
I completed an Art A level then moved on to study a Graphics ND, both of which I loved!
Now at present I’m in fashion! My dream would be to work as an art director for a magazine like ID or Dazed and Confused.

One day I’ll conjure up an image of a dress in my mind, hear a song and be directing the music video, it’s the great gift of imagination (and I have as much as a kid at Christmas) I can sit on the bus and constantly watch buildings; moulding what or how I would have done them, watch people, not in the perverted way, but just fascinated by what and how they wear their clothes.

I have a love for tattoos, people, clothes, art, animals… that’s me! Loud but shy at times; emotional but strong inside; hard faced but kind hearted; rude but with caring honesty, but most of all rebellious with a whole ‘fuck it’ attitude towards life

Here’s my friend’s nicely written description of me

“George is a live wire, runs faster than most can keep up with. He's a constant buzz of energy with a keen eye for design and style. He's like an electrical storm, visibly you see one thing but once the storm starts, his true beauty and remarkable potential is dazzling”

Nice huh?

So yeah,  I will blog mainly about design, fashion and art. However there may be the most random instalments at times! But then again it’s my blog! So why not? When it comes to fashion I will try and stay along the lines of menswear which I feel is a good thing, there never seems to be enough male fashion related subjects and articles! Being male I aim to change that! There will be times I will drift onto women’s clothes and looks, but I aim to stay male orientated! Just hope its worth a read and feed back would be appreciated.

Thanks! Peace out A town down, NUFF LUV - Jenks

1 Response to 'The Start Of Blogs!'

  1. murrakmr said...'> 19 September 2010 at 17:45

    That Murra sounds like a pretentious prick! ;)


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